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Local Bus Service

Kiryas Joel

Seven different local bus routes are available in the Village of Kiryas Joel and to destinations in Monroe and Woodbury. The Village of Kiryas Joel provides this service using seven buses.

CD2-KJ 110121.png


Trips to Destinations Within Kiryas Joel

PCA/Aide assisting handicapped rides free.
Age Ranges: Youth: 3-12 | General: 12-60 | Senior: 60+

Trips to Destinations Outside Kiryas Joel

PCA/Aide assisting handicapped rides free.
Age Ranges: Youth: 3-12 | General: 12-60 | Senior: 60+

Check out the full map of everywhere you want to go!

Local Route

Local Route

Toltchav & Dinev • Shopping Center • Business Center

Woodbury Commons

Woodbury Commons Route

Shopping Center • Park & Ride • Woodbury Commons

Walmart Route

Walmart Route

Shopping Center • Park & Ride • Home Depot/Walmart

Ex A

Express Shuttle A

Ex B

Express Shuttle B

Express Shuttle C

Ex C

Express Shuttle D

Ex D

Express Shuttle E

Ex E

Additional Information

Non-Discrimination Policy

Title VI Policy Statement: Orange County is committed to providing nondiscriminatory service to ensure that no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in the receipt of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VI”). 

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