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About Transit Orange

About Transit Orange

Bus transit is a critical component of managing a balanced and equitable transportation system while reducing traffic congestion, producing fewer emissions, and improving safety by reducing crashes. Public transportation also provides improved mobility for those considered to be transit dependent (which includes individuals who are too young to drive, senior citizens, people with disabilities and low-income populations.) Broadening transit alternatives can also result in a healthier community and greater access to job opportunities.  


Whether by bus, ferry, commuter rail, and more, we help you get where you need to be. Orange County sponsors transit operators providing service in four general categories: Commuter Bus, Local Bus, Dial-A-Ride, and Paratransit services. Transit Orange is your source for transportation resources in Orange County. Our network of operator partners ensures wherever you're headed, we've got you covered. 

ADA Documentation

In order to provide the best service possible, Transit Orange operators will accept reasonable modification requests.  To request a reasonable modification please contact the individual operator by phone or email.  Requests should be as detailed as possible and include information on why it is needed to use the service.  If the request would fundamentally alter the nature of the service or create a direct threat to the health and safety of others, it will be denied. Furthermore, all documents provided by Transit Orange and the Orange County Department of Planning are able to be published and provided in various accessible formats upon request.

Con el fin de proporcionar el mejor servicio posible, los operadores de Transit Orange aceptarán solicitudes de modificación razonables.  Para solicitar una modificación razonable, póngase en contacto con el operador individual por teléfono o correo electrónico.  Las solicitudes deben ser lo más detalladas posible e incluir información sobre por qué es necesario utilizar el servicio.  Si la solicitud alterara fundamentalmente la naturaleza del servicio o creara una amenaza directa para la salud y la seguridad de los demás, será denegada. Todos los documentos proporcionados por Transit Orange y el Departamento de Planificación del Condado de Orange pueden publicarse y proporcionarse en varios formatos accesibles a pedido.

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